Vibe-Lite Switch

SKU: Vibe-Lite Switch - SK 80219 Categories: , , , , ,

Vibe-Lite is an exciting switch that combines tactile and visual stimulation into a single ergonomic case.

It can be used with toys, AAC devices, computers and any switch-operated equipment.

Vibe-Lite vibrates and illuminates simultaneously, making it a highly tactile and visually pleasing switch to use.

Select Momentary, Latched or Timed modes, connect your chosen equipment and away you go – no other controllers are required.

Illumination – A special blink feature makes the dome glow once every 4 seconds so users can easily find it in a darkened environment. The dome will also glow when the switch is pressed.

Vibration – The Vibration feature operates when the switch is pressed – it can be switched off if required.

An optional mounting bracket is available for an adjustable arm.




£98.00 Ex. VAT

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